Is Strength Camp Toronto a group fitness or 1:1 facility?

Both! We offer group strength classes coached by a Strength Camp Toronto Coach, and we also offer 1:1 Personal Training. We also offer virtual classes for those who cannot make it to our facility at this time.

Do I have to join a class or can I come and use the gym on my own?

At this time we are only offering group strength classes and 1:1 Personal Training. We plan to offer open gym time in the near future.

Can I try a class before I commit to a membership?

Absolutely! We welcome you to come try a class and experience the Strength Camp Toronto difference. You can book online HERE or contact us and we can help you to book your first class.

What makes Strength Camp Toronto superior to other gyms?

Our classes are led by certified coaches that motivate you and push you to become the strongest version of yourself. The results you get, the Strength Camp Community speak for itself. Come try a class and notice the difference for yourself!